/* Supersized - Fullscreen Slideshow jQuery Plugin Version : 3.2.7 Site : www.buildinternet.com/project/supersized Author : Sam Dunn Company : One Mighty Roar (www.onemightyroar.com) License : MIT License / GPL License */ (function ($) { /* Place Supersized Elements ----------------------------*/ $(document).ready(function () { $('body').append('
'); }); function addSlide(slideImage, slideVideo) { if (slideVideo) { return $(''); //return $(''); } else { return $(''); } } $.supersized = function (options) { /* Variables ----------------------------*/ var el = '#supersized', base = this; // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element base.$el = $(el); base.el = el; vars = $.supersized.vars; // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object base.$el.data("supersized", base); api = base.$el.data('supersized'); base.init = function () { // Combine options and vars $.supersized.vars = $.extend($.supersized.vars, $.supersized.themeVars); $.supersized.vars.options = $.extend({}, $.supersized.defaultOptions, $.supersized.themeOptions, options); base.options = $.supersized.vars.options; base._build(); }; /* Build Elements ----------------------------*/ base._build = function () { // Add in slide markers var thisSlide = 0, slideSet = '', markers = '', markerContent, thumbMarkers = '', thumbImage; while (thisSlide <= base.options.slides.length - 1) { //Determine slide link content switch (base.options.slide_links) { case 'num': markerContent = thisSlide; break; case 'name': markerContent = base.options.slides[thisSlide].title; break; case 'blank': markerContent = ''; break; } slideSet = slideSet + '
  • '; if (thisSlide == base.options.start_slide - 1) { // Slide links if (base.options.slide_links) markers = markers + ''; // Slide Thumbnail Links if (base.options.thumb_links) { base.options.slides[thisSlide].thumb ? thumbImage = base.options.slides[thisSlide].thumb : thumbImage = base.options.slides[thisSlide].image; thumbMarkers = thumbMarkers + '
  • '; }; } else { // Slide links if (base.options.slide_links) markers = markers + ''; // Slide Thumbnail Links if (base.options.thumb_links) { base.options.slides[thisSlide].thumb ? thumbImage = base.options.slides[thisSlide].thumb : thumbImage = base.options.slides[thisSlide].image; thumbMarkers = thumbMarkers + '
  • '; }; } thisSlide++; } if (base.options.slide_links) $(vars.slide_list).html(markers); if (base.options.thumb_links && vars.thumb_tray.length) { $(vars.thumb_tray).append(''); } $(base.el).append(slideSet); // Add in thumbnails if (base.options.thumbnail_navigation) { // Load previous thumbnail vars.current_slide - 1 < 0 ? prevThumb = base.options.slides.length - 1 : prevThumb = vars.current_slide - 1; $(vars.prev_thumb).show().html($("").attr("src", base.options.slides[prevThumb].image)); // Load next thumbnail vars.current_slide == base.options.slides.length - 1 ? nextThumb = 0 : nextThumb = vars.current_slide + 1; $(vars.next_thumb).show().html($("").attr("src", base.options.slides[nextThumb].image)); } base._start(); // Get things started }; /* Initialize ----------------------------*/ base._start = function () { // Determine if starting slide random if (base.options.start_slide) { vars.current_slide = base.options.start_slide - 1; } else { vars.current_slide = Math.floor(Math.random() * base.options.slides.length); // Generate random slide number } // If links should open in new window var linkTarget = base.options.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; // Set slideshow quality (Supported only in FF and IE, no Webkit) if (base.options.performance == 3) { base.$el.addClass('speed'); // Faster transitions } else if ((base.options.performance == 1) || (base.options.performance == 2)) { base.$el.addClass('quality'); // Higher image quality } // Shuffle slide order if needed if (base.options.random) { arr = base.options.slides; for (var j, x, i = arr.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = arr[--i], arr[i] = arr[j], arr[j] = x); // Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm (jsfromhell.com/array/shuffle) base.options.slides = arr; } /*-----Load initial set of images-----*/ if (base.options.slides.length > 1) { if (base.options.slides.length > 2) { // Set previous image vars.current_slide - 1 < 0 ? loadPrev = base.options.slides.length - 1 : loadPrev = vars.current_slide - 1; // If slide is 1, load last slide as previous var imageLink = (base.options.slides[loadPrev].url) ? "href='" + base.options.slides[loadPrev].url + "'" : ""; var imgPrev = addSlide(base.options.slides[loadPrev].image, base.options.slides[loadPrev].video); var slidePrev = base.el + ' li:eq(' + loadPrev + ')'; imgPrev.appendTo(slidePrev).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading prevslide'); imgPrev.load(function () { $(this).data('origWidth', $(this).width()).data('origHeight', $(this).height()); base.resizeNow(); // Resize background image }); // End Load } } else { // Slideshow turned off if there is only one slide base.options.slideshow = 0; $("#prevslide").hide(); } // Set current image imageLink = (api.getField('url')) ? "href='" + api.getField('url') + "'" : ""; var img = addSlide(api.getField('image'), api.getField('video')); var slideCurrent = base.el + ' li:eq(' + vars.current_slide + ')'; if (api.getField('video')) { img.appendTo(slideCurrent).parent().addClass('image-loading activeslide'); if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) { base._origDim(img); base.resizeNow(); // Resize background image base.launch(); if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme._init == "function") theme._init(); // Load Theme img[0].addEventListener('playing', function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }, false); } else { function x() { console.log(img[0].readyState); if (img[0].readyState >= 2) { base._origDim($(this)); base.resizeNow(); // Resize background image base.launch(); if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme._init == "function") theme._init(); // Load Theme img[0].addEventListener('playing', function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }, false); } else { setTimeout(function () { x() }, 30); } } x(); } } else { img.appendTo(slideCurrent).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading activeslide'); img.load(function () { base._origDim($(this)); base.resizeNow(); // Resize background image base.launch(); if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme._init == "function") theme._init(); // Load Theme }); } var url = window.location.pathname; var urlarray = url.split("/"); if (urlarray[1] == "video" || urlarray[1] == "worldnewsfull") { img.prop('autoplay', true); } if (base.options.slides.length > 1) { // Set next image vars.current_slide == base.options.slides.length - 1 ? loadNext = 0 : loadNext = vars.current_slide + 1; // If slide is last, load first slide as next imageLink = (base.options.slides[loadNext].url) ? "href='" + base.options.slides[loadNext].url + "'" : ""; var imgNext = addSlide(base.options.slides[loadNext].image, base.options.slides[loadNext].video); var slideNext = base.el + ' li:eq(' + loadNext + ')'; imgNext.appendTo(slideNext).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading'); imgNext.load(function () { $(this).data('origWidth', $(this).width()).data('origHeight', $(this).height()); base.resizeNow(); // Resize background image }); // End Load } /*-----End load initial images-----*/ if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) { } else { // Hide elements to be faded in base.$el.css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('.load-item').hide(); } }; /* Launch Supersized ----------------------------*/ base.launch = function () { base.$el.css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#supersized-loader').remove(); //Hide loading animation // Call theme function for before slide transition if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.beforeAnimation == "function") theme.beforeAnimation('next'); if (base.options.slides.length > 1) { $('.load-item').show(); } else { $('.load-item').hide(); } // Keyboard Navigation if (base.options.keyboard_nav) { $(document.documentElement).keyup(function (event) { if (vars.in_animation) return false; // Abort if currently animating if ($(document.activeElement).is("input, textarea")) return false; // Abort if active element is an input or a textarea. // Left Arrow or Down Arrow if ((event.keyCode == 37) || (event.keyCode == 40)) { clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // Stop slideshow, prevent buildup base.prevSlide(); // Right Arrow or Up Arrow } else if ((event.keyCode == 39) || (event.keyCode == 38)) { clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // Stop slideshow, prevent buildup base.nextSlide(); // Spacebar } else if (event.keyCode == 32 && !vars.hover_pause) { clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // Stop slideshow, prevent buildup base.playToggle(); } }); } // Pause when hover on image if (base.options.slideshow && base.options.pause_hover) { $(base.el).hover(function () { if (vars.in_animation) return false; // Abort if currently animating vars.hover_pause = true; // Mark slideshow paused from hover if (!vars.is_paused) { vars.hover_pause = 'resume'; // It needs to resume afterwards base.playToggle(); } }, function () { if (vars.hover_pause == 'resume') { base.playToggle(); vars.hover_pause = false; } }); } if (base.options.slide_links) { // Slide marker clicked $(vars.slide_list + '> li').click(function () { //alert($(vars.slide_list + '> li').index(this) + 1) index = $(vars.slide_list + '> li').index(this) ; targetSlide = index + 1; var x = window.location.pathname window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//"+ window.location.hostname + '/gallery/' + $('#AlbumID').val() +"/"+ targetSlide +'/'; // base.goTo(targetSlide); return false; }); } // Thumb marker clicked if (base.options.thumb_links) { $(vars.thumb_list + '> li').click(function () { index = $(vars.thumb_list + '> li').index(this); targetSlide = index + 1; window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + '/gallery/' + $('#AlbumID').val() + "/" + targetSlide + '/'; //api.goTo(targetSlide); return false; }); } // Start slideshow if enabled if (base.options.slideshow && base.options.slides.length > 1) { // Start slideshow if autoplay enabled if (base.options.autoplay && base.options.slides.length > 1) { vars.slideshow_interval = setInterval(base.nextSlide, base.options.slide_interval); // Initiate slide interval } else { vars.is_paused = true; // Mark as paused } //Prevent navigation items from being dragged $('.load-item img').bind("contextmenu mousedown", function () { return false; }); } // Adjust image when browser is resized $(window).resize(function () { base.resizeNow(); }); }; /* Resize Images ----------------------------*/ base.resizeNow = function () { return base.$el.each(function () { // Resize each image seperately $('img', base.el).each(function () { thisSlide = $(this); var ratio = (thisSlide.data('origHeight') / thisSlide.data('origWidth')).toFixed(2); // Define image ratio // Gather browser size var browserwidth = base.$el.width(), browserheight = base.$el.height(), offset; /*-----Resize Image-----*/ if (base.options.fit_always) { // Fit always is enabled if ((browserheight / browserwidth) > ratio) { resizeWidth(); } else { resizeHeight(); } } else { // Normal Resize if ((browserheight <= base.options.min_height) && (browserwidth <= base.options.min_width)) { // If window smaller than minimum width and height if ((browserheight / browserwidth) > ratio) { base.options.fit_landscape && ratio < 1 ? resizeWidth(true) : resizeHeight(true); // If landscapes are set to fit } else { base.options.fit_portrait && ratio >= 1 ? resizeHeight(true) : resizeWidth(true); // If portraits are set to fit } } else if (browserwidth <= base.options.min_width) { // If window only smaller than minimum width if ((browserheight / browserwidth) > ratio) { base.options.fit_landscape && ratio < 1 ? resizeWidth(true) : resizeHeight(); // If landscapes are set to fit } else { base.options.fit_portrait && ratio >= 1 ? resizeHeight() : resizeWidth(true); // If portraits are set to fit } } else if (browserheight <= base.options.min_height) { // If window only smaller than minimum height if ((browserheight / browserwidth) > ratio) { base.options.fit_landscape && ratio < 1 ? resizeWidth() : resizeHeight(true); // If landscapes are set to fit } else { base.options.fit_portrait && ratio >= 1 ? resizeHeight(true) : resizeWidth(); // If portraits are set to fit } } else { // If larger than minimums if ((browserheight / browserwidth) > ratio) { base.options.fit_landscape && ratio < 1 ? resizeWidth() : resizeHeight(); // If landscapes are set to fit } else { base.options.fit_portrait && ratio >= 1 ? resizeHeight() : resizeWidth(); // If portraits are set to fit } } } /*-----End Image Resize-----*/ /*-----Resize Functions-----*/ function resizeWidth(minimum) { if (minimum) { // If minimum height needs to be considered if (thisSlide.width() < browserwidth || thisSlide.width() < base.options.min_width) { if (thisSlide.width() * ratio >= base.options.min_height) { thisSlide.width(base.options.min_width); thisSlide.height(thisSlide.width() * ratio); } else { resizeHeight(); } } } else { if (base.options.min_height >= browserheight && !base.options.fit_landscape) { // If minimum height needs to be considered if (browserwidth * ratio >= base.options.min_height || (browserwidth * ratio >= base.options.min_height && ratio <= 1)) { // If resizing would push below minimum height or image is a landscape thisSlide.width(browserwidth); thisSlide.height(browserwidth * ratio); } else if (ratio > 1) { // Else the image is portrait thisSlide.height(base.options.min_height); thisSlide.width(thisSlide.height() / ratio); } else if (thisSlide.width() < browserwidth) { thisSlide.width(browserwidth); thisSlide.height(thisSlide.width() * ratio); } } else { // Otherwise, resize as normal thisSlide.width(browserwidth); thisSlide.height(browserwidth * ratio); } } }; function resizeHeight(minimum) { if (minimum) { // If minimum height needs to be considered if (thisSlide.height() < browserheight) { if (thisSlide.height() / ratio >= base.options.min_width) { thisSlide.height(base.options.min_height); thisSlide.width(thisSlide.height() / ratio); } else { resizeWidth(true); } } } else { // Otherwise, resized as normal if (base.options.min_width >= browserwidth) { // If minimum width needs to be considered if (browserheight / ratio >= base.options.min_width || ratio > 1) { // If resizing would push below minimum width or image is a portrait thisSlide.height(browserheight); thisSlide.width(browserheight / ratio); } else if (ratio <= 1) { // Else the image is landscape thisSlide.width(base.options.min_width); thisSlide.height(thisSlide.width() * ratio); } } else { // Otherwise, resize as normal thisSlide.height(browserheight); thisSlide.width(browserheight / ratio); } } }; /*-----End Resize Functions-----*/ if (thisSlide.parents('li').hasClass('image-loading')) { $('.image-loading').removeClass('image-loading'); } // Horizontally Center if (base.options.horizontal_center) { if ($(this).width() > browserwidth) { $(this).css('right', (-1 * (browserwidth - $(this).width()) / 2)); } else { $(this).css('right', ((browserwidth - $(this).width()) / 2)); } } // Vertically Center if (base.options.vertical_center) { $(this).css('top', (browserheight - $(this).height()) / 2); } }); // Basic image drag and right click protection if (base.options.image_protect) { $('img', base.el).bind("contextmenu mousedown", function () { return false; }); } return false; }); }; /* Next Slide ----------------------------*/ base.nextSlide = function () { var nextImageUrl = $("#NextImageURL").val(); if (nextImageUrl.length > 0) { document.location.href = nextImageUrl; } return false; // alert(0); //alert(nextImageUrl); if ($('#supersized li video').length > 0) { if ($('#supersized li video').length == 1) { $('#supersized li video').get(0).pause(); document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].addEventListener('playing', function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }, false); } else if ($('#supersized li video').length > 1) { var x = document.getElementsByTagName('video'); for (counterii = 0; counterii < x.length; counterii++) { x[counterii].pause(); x[counterii].addEventListener('playing', function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }, false); } } var url = window.location.pathname; var urlarray = url.split("/"); if (urlarray[1] != "video") { $("#supersized li video").unbind("click"); $('#supersized li video').click(function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }); } } if (vars.in_animation || !api.options.slideshow) return false; // Abort if currently animating else vars.in_animation = true; // Otherwise set animation marker clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // Stop slideshow var slides = base.options.slides, // Pull in slides array liveslide = base.$el.find('.activeslide'); // Find active slide $('.prevslide').removeClass('prevslide'); liveslide.removeClass('activeslide').addClass('prevslide'); // Remove active class & update previous slide // Get the slide number of new slide vars.current_slide + 1 == base.options.slides.length ? vars.current_slide = 0 : vars.current_slide++; var nextslide = $(base.el + ' li:eq(' + vars.current_slide + ')'), prevslide = base.$el.find('.prevslide'); // If hybrid mode is on drop quality for transition if (base.options.performance == 1) base.$el.removeClass('quality').addClass('speed'); /*-----Load Image-----*/ loadSlide = false; vars.current_slide == base.options.slides.length - 1 ? loadSlide = 0 : loadSlide = vars.current_slide + 1; // Determine next slide var targetList = base.el + ' li:eq(' + loadSlide + ')'; if (!$(targetList).html()) { // If links should open in new window var linkTarget = base.options.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; imageLink = (base.options.slides[loadSlide].url) ? "href='" + base.options.slides[loadSlide].url + "'" : ""; // If link exists, build it var img = addSlide(base.options.slides[loadSlide].image, base.options.slides[loadSlide].video); img.appendTo(targetList).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden'); img.load(function () { base._origDim($(this)); base.resizeNow(); }); // End Load }; // Update thumbnails (if enabled) if (base.options.thumbnail_navigation == 1) { // Load previous thumbnail vars.current_slide - 1 < 0 ? prevThumb = base.options.slides.length - 1 : prevThumb = vars.current_slide - 1; $(vars.prev_thumb).html($("").attr("src", base.options.slides[prevThumb].image)); // Load next thumbnail nextThumb = loadSlide; $(vars.next_thumb).html($("").attr("src", base.options.slides[nextThumb].image)); } /*-----End Load Image-----*/ // Call theme function for before slide transition if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.beforeAnimation == "function") theme.beforeAnimation('next'); //Update slide markers if (base.options.slide_links) { $('.current-slide').removeClass('current-slide'); $(vars.slide_list + '> li').eq(vars.current_slide).addClass('current-slide'); } nextslide.css('visibility', 'hidden').addClass('activeslide'); // Update active slide switch (base.options.transition) { case 0: case 'none': // No transition nextslide.css('visibility', 'visible'); vars.in_animation = false; base.afterAnimation(); break; case 1: case 'fade': // Fade nextslide.css({ opacity: 0, 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ opacity: 1, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 2: case 'slideTop': // Slide Top nextslide.css({ top: -base.$el.height(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ top: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 3: case 'slideRight': // Slide Right nextslide.css({ left: base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 4: case 'slideBottom': // Slide Bottom nextslide.css({ top: base.$el.height(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ top: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 5: case 'slideLeft': // Slide Left nextslide.css({ left: -base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 6: case 'carouselRight': // Carousel Right nextslide.css({ left: base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); liveslide.animate({ left: -base.$el.width(), avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed); break; case 7: case 'carouselLeft': // Carousel Left nextslide.css({ left: -base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); liveslide.animate({ left: base.$el.width(), avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed); break; } return false; }; /* Previous Slide ----------------------------*/ base.prevSlide = function () { var prevImageUrl = $("#PreviousImageURL").val(); //alert(nextImageUrl); if (prevImageUrl.length > 0) { document.location.href = prevImageUrl; } return false; if ($('#supersized li video').length > 0) { if ($('#supersized li video').length == 1) { $('#supersized li video').get(0).pause(); document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].addEventListener('playing', function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }, false); } else if ($('#supersized li video').length > 1) { var x = document.getElementsByTagName('video'); for (counterii = 0; counterii < x.length; counterii++) { x[counterii].pause(); x[counterii].addEventListener('playing', function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }, false); } } var url = window.location.pathname; var urlarray = url.split("/"); if (urlarray[1] != "video") { $("#supersized li video").unbind("click"); $('#supersized li video').click(function () { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { api.playToggle(); } }); } } if (vars.in_animation || !api.options.slideshow) return false; // Abort if currently animating else vars.in_animation = true; // Otherwise set animation marker clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // Stop slideshow var slides = base.options.slides, // Pull in slides array liveslide = base.$el.find('.activeslide'); // Find active slide $('.prevslide').removeClass('prevslide'); liveslide.removeClass('activeslide').addClass('prevslide'); // Remove active class & update previous slide // Get current slide number vars.current_slide == 0 ? vars.current_slide = base.options.slides.length - 1 : vars.current_slide--; var nextslide = $(base.el + ' li:eq(' + vars.current_slide + ')'), prevslide = base.$el.find('.prevslide'); // If hybrid mode is on drop quality for transition if (base.options.performance == 1) base.$el.removeClass('quality').addClass('speed'); /*-----Load Image-----*/ loadSlide = vars.current_slide; var targetList = base.el + ' li:eq(' + loadSlide + ')'; if (!$(targetList).html()) { // If links should open in new window var linkTarget = base.options.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; imageLink = (base.options.slides[loadSlide].url) ? "href='" + base.options.slides[loadSlide].url + "'" : ""; // If link exists, build it var img = addSlide(base.options.slides[loadSlide].image, base.options.slides[loadSlide].video); img.appendTo(targetList).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden'); img.load(function () { base._origDim($(this)); base.resizeNow(); }); // End Load }; // Update thumbnails (if enabled) if (base.options.thumbnail_navigation == 1) { // Load previous thumbnail //prevThumb = loadSlide; loadSlide == 0 ? prevThumb = base.options.slides.length - 1 : prevThumb = loadSlide - 1; $(vars.prev_thumb).html($("").attr("src", base.options.slides[prevThumb].image)); // Load next thumbnail vars.current_slide == base.options.slides.length - 1 ? nextThumb = 0 : nextThumb = vars.current_slide + 1; $(vars.next_thumb).html($("").attr("src", base.options.slides[nextThumb].image)); } /*-----End Load Image-----*/ // Call theme function for before slide transition if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.beforeAnimation == "function") theme.beforeAnimation('prev'); //Update slide markers if (base.options.slide_links) { $('.current-slide').removeClass('current-slide'); $(vars.slide_list + '> li').eq(vars.current_slide).addClass('current-slide'); } nextslide.css('visibility', 'hidden').addClass('activeslide'); // Update active slide switch (base.options.transition) { case 0: case 'none': // No transition nextslide.css('visibility', 'visible'); vars.in_animation = false; base.afterAnimation(); break; case 1: case 'fade': // Fade nextslide.css({ opacity: 0, 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ opacity: 1, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 2: case 'slideTop': // Slide Top (reverse) nextslide.css({ top: base.$el.height(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ top: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 3: case 'slideRight': // Slide Right (reverse) nextslide.css({ left: -base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 4: case 'slideBottom': // Slide Bottom (reverse) nextslide.css({ top: -base.$el.height(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ top: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 5: case 'slideLeft': // Slide Left (reverse) nextslide.css({ left: base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); break; case 6: case 'carouselRight': // Carousel Right (reverse) nextslide.css({ left: -base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); liveslide.css({ left: 0 }).animate({ left: base.$el.width(), avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed); break; case 7: case 'carouselLeft': // Carousel Left (reverse) nextslide.css({ left: base.$el.width(), 'visibility': 'visible' }).animate({ left: 0, avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed, function () { base.afterAnimation(); }); liveslide.css({ left: 0 }).animate({ left: -base.$el.width(), avoidTransforms: false }, base.options.transition_speed); break; } return false; }; /* Play/Pause Toggle ----------------------------*/ base.playToggle = function () { if (vars.in_animation || !api.options.slideshow) return false; // Abort if currently animating if (vars.is_paused) { vars.is_paused = false; // Call theme function for play if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.playToggle == "function") theme.playToggle('play'); // Resume slideshow vars.slideshow_interval = setInterval(base.nextSlide, base.options.slide_interval); } else { vars.is_paused = true; // Call theme function for pause if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.playToggle == "function") theme.playToggle('pause'); // Stop slideshow clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); } return false; }; /* Go to specific slide ----------------------------*/ base.goTo = function (targetSlide) { /** if (vars.in_animation || !api.options.slideshow) return false; // Abort if currently animating var totalSlides = base.options.slides.length; // If target outside range if (targetSlide < 0) { targetSlide = totalSlides; } else if (targetSlide > totalSlides) { targetSlide = 1; } targetSlide = totalSlides - targetSlide + 1; clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // Stop slideshow, prevent buildup // Call theme function for goTo trigger if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.goTo == "function") theme.goTo(); if (vars.current_slide == totalSlides - targetSlide) { if (!(vars.is_paused)) { vars.slideshow_interval = setInterval(base.nextSlide, base.options.slide_interval); } return false; } // If ahead of current position if (totalSlides - targetSlide > vars.current_slide) { // Adjust for new next slide vars.current_slide = totalSlides - targetSlide - 1; vars.update_images = 'next'; base._placeSlide(vars.update_images); //Otherwise it's before current position } else if (totalSlides - targetSlide < vars.current_slide) { // Adjust for new prev slide vars.current_slide = totalSlides - targetSlide + 1; vars.update_images = 'prev'; base._placeSlide(vars.update_images); } // set active markers if (base.options.slide_links) { $(vars.slide_list + '> .current-slide').removeClass('current-slide'); $(vars.slide_list + '> li').eq((totalSlides - targetSlide)).addClass('current-slide'); } if (base.options.thumb_links) { $(vars.thumb_list + '> .current-thumb').removeClass('current-thumb'); $(vars.thumb_list + '> li').eq((totalSlides - targetSlide)).addClass('current-thumb'); } **/ }; /* Place Slide ----------------------------*/ base._placeSlide = function (place) { // If links should open in new window var linkTarget = base.options.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; loadSlide = false; if (place == 'next') { vars.current_slide == base.options.slides.length - 1 ? loadSlide = 0 : loadSlide = vars.current_slide + 1; // Determine next slide var targetList = base.el + ' li:eq(' + loadSlide + ')'; if (!$(targetList).html()) { // If links should open in new window var linkTarget = base.options.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; imageLink = (base.options.slides[loadSlide].url) ? "href='" + base.options.slides[loadSlide].url + "'" : ""; // If link exists, build it var img = addSlide(base.options.slides[loadSlide].image, base.options.slides[loadSlide].video); img.appendTo(targetList).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden'); img.load(function () { base._origDim($(this)); base.resizeNow(); }); // End Load }; base.nextSlide(); } else if (place == 'prev') { vars.current_slide - 1 < 0 ? loadSlide = base.options.slides.length - 1 : loadSlide = vars.current_slide - 1; // Determine next slide var targetList = base.el + ' li:eq(' + loadSlide + ')'; if (!$(targetList).html()) { // If links should open in new window var linkTarget = base.options.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; imageLink = (base.options.slides[loadSlide].url) ? "href='" + base.options.slides[loadSlide].url + "'" : ""; // If link exists, build it var img = addSlide(base.options.slides[loadSlide].image, base.options.slides[loadSlide].video); img.appendTo(targetList).wrap('').parent().parent().addClass('image-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden'); img.load(function () { base._origDim($(this)); base.resizeNow(); }); // End Load }; base.prevSlide(); } }; /* Get Original Dimensions ----------------------------*/ base._origDim = function (targetSlide) { targetSlide.data('origWidth', targetSlide.width()).data('origHeight', targetSlide.height()); }; /* After Slide Animation ----------------------------*/ base.afterAnimation = function () { // If hybrid mode is on swap back to higher image quality if (base.options.performance == 1) { base.$el.removeClass('speed').addClass('quality'); } // Update previous slide if (vars.update_images) { vars.current_slide - 1 < 0 ? setPrev = base.options.slides.length - 1 : setPrev = vars.current_slide - 1; vars.update_images = false; $('.prevslide').removeClass('prevslide'); $(base.el + ' li:eq(' + setPrev + ')').addClass('prevslide'); } vars.in_animation = false; // Resume slideshow if (!vars.is_paused && base.options.slideshow) { vars.slideshow_interval = setInterval(base.nextSlide, base.options.slide_interval); if (base.options.stop_loop && vars.current_slide == base.options.slides.length - 1) base.playToggle(); } // Call theme function for after slide transition if (typeof theme != 'undefined' && typeof theme.afterAnimation == "function") theme.afterAnimation(); return false; }; base.getField = function (field) { return base.options.slides[vars.current_slide][field]; }; // Make it go! base.init(); }; /* Global Variables ----------------------------*/ $.supersized.vars = { // Elements thumb_tray: '#thumb-tray', // Thumbnail tray thumb_list: '#thumb-list', // Thumbnail list slide_list: '#slide-list', // Slide link list // Internal variables current_slide: 0, // Current slide number in_animation: false, // Prevents animations from stacking is_paused: false, // Tracks paused on/off hover_pause: false, // If slideshow is paused from hover slideshow_interval: false, // Stores slideshow timer update_images: false, // Trigger to update images after slide jump options: {} // Stores assembled options list }; /* Default Options ----------------------------*/ $.supersized.defaultOptions = { // Functionality slideshow: 1, // Slideshow on/off autoplay: 1, // Slideshow starts playing automatically start_slide: 1, // Start slide (0 is random) stop_loop: 0, // Stops slideshow on last slide random: 0, // Randomize slide order (Ignores start slide) slide_interval: 5000, // Length between transitions transition: 1, // 0-None, 1-Fade, 2-Slide Top, 3-Slide Right, 4-Slide Bottom, 5-Slide Left, 6-Carousel Right, 7-Carousel Left transition_speed: 750, // Speed of transition new_window: 1, // Image links open in new window/tab pause_hover: 0, // Pause slideshow on hover keyboard_nav: 1, // Keyboard navigation on/off performance: 1, // 0-Normal, 1-Hybrid speed/quality, 2-Optimizes image quality, 3-Optimizes transition speed // (Only works for Firefox/IE, not Webkit) image_protect: 1, // Disables image dragging and right click with Javascript // Size & Position fit_always: 0, // Image will never exceed browser width or height (Ignores min. dimensions) fit_landscape: 0, // Landscape images will not exceed browser width fit_portrait: 1, // Portrait images will not exceed browser height min_width: 0, // Min width allowed (in pixels) min_height: 0, // Min height allowed (in pixels) horizontal_center: 1, // Horizontally center background vertical_center: 1, // Vertically center background // Components slide_links: 1, // Individual links for each slide (Options: false, 'num', 'name', 'blank') thumb_links: 1, // Individual thumb links for each slide thumbnail_navigation: 0 // Thumbnail navigation }; $.fn.supersized = function (options) { return this.each(function () { (new $.supersized(options)); }); }; })(jQuery);